When it's zero and one eighty;
When it's midnight and noon;
When it's black and white,
Then it's a pair of exact opposites.
When it's day or night,
Or hot or cold,
Or awake or asleep,
Then it's general exact opposites.
It doesn't make sense, but stay with me.
When it's going, not stopped;
When it's silent, not loud;
When it's hectic, not calm,
It's doing the exact opposite.
When I'm blogging, not working;
When I'm blogging, not sleeping;
When I'm blogging, not thinking,
I don't think it's quite the exact opposite of what I OUGHT to do,
But it certainly won't be found on the list of shoulds.
I'll do it anyway. Because it makes me feel productive.
Which helps me actually be productive.
So now that I've done this, I'll go do
E x a c t l y t h e o p p o s i t e
of what I shouldn't currently do.
Have one of the best ones,
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